About Me


Caught in the middle of it all

Don’t know which way to walk

Lost and alone I am… With no one to hear my call

When even the stars cannot be seen in the sky…

And all light has been extinguished…

My only companion is the night’s breeze…

Its cold chill runs down my spine

And I shiver… Not knowing if my shiver is from the cold or from my confusion

What will the answer be?

What is the question to begin with?

What do I do? How do I know which direction is the right one?

What happens when the decisions made involve the breaking of a heart?

Where does forgiveness of oneself come into the picture? Will I forgive myself?

The burning tears roll down my cheeks leaving a trail of fire

A trail of fire leading to my heart…

A fire that will continue to burn for all of eternity

I force my lips to form a smile… A smile to put on display for others to see

As the outside appears all merry

The inside deteriorates and gradually dies…

The inside that was once so alive…

Now is feeling so helpless…

And so far from any satisfying truths.

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