About Me

Allah is by Your Side

Through all your hardship & your pain
Rest assured for Allah is by your side
As you look up at the stars & bow your head down as you pray
Know that Your Lord has blessed you and His favours you cannot deny
You are a Muslim & thus you are blessed indeed
So be sincere to this deen & content with all that Allah has decreed
And as your heart throbs with pain, & your eyes well up with tears
Be Strong, trust Him, & set your heart free from all fears
NEVER forget that Allah is the One that knows all & hears
All you’ve been through, in the past days & years
So know that you will never be alone
For Allah will never leave His true and faithful servant on his own


Like a Sword.
Is cutting me.
Rushing past.
Not a second look it gives me.
So vital.
Yet I fail to see.
So precious.
Yet I waste perpetually.
Oh how I wish I could only control this sword cutting me.