About Me

You are so precious.
When I held you.... it was a moment of perfection
And because of you I am complete.

The Legacy of a Martyr

Described as one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history, February 21 2012 marked the 47th anniversary of Al Hajj Maalik Al Shabbaaz’s death, when he was shot to death in Harlem, New York, in 1965.

This man, eminently known as Malcolm X, represents the struggles our youth face everyday. That is,   the struggle to have their voice heard in an increasingly unequal and unjust world, and the struggle to seek the truth and implement it in their life without being looked down upon by society.

Malcolm X struggled for decades until he found himself. He lived and died in a struggle but was and still is an inspiration to millions worldwide.

This man witnessed it all... Born in 1925, he watched as his family home burned to the ground and at the age of 6 was orphaned when his father was murdered.

Malcolm X served six years in prison where he converted to the Nation of Islam and then became one of the Nation’s most influential ministers after his release. For so many years he advocated for the hatred of whites and was famously known for his slogan ‘black is beautiful’ as he promoted Black Nationalism and power.
But gone were the days where white people were considered evil by Malcolm when he made a trip to the Holy City of Makkah in 1964. It was here where he learnt and embraced the true essence and beauty of Islam and realised that no race or colour is superior to another. It is here where he discovered the meaning of equality, brotherhood and the solution to racism.

Malcolm X travelled through the East and West and finally found the peace of mind and heart he was looking for in Islam. He referred to Islam as “the fountain of truth, love, peace and brotherhood’.

He went on to spread the message of authentic Islam back home and ended up receiving one of the greatest forms of honour any American citizen could imagine obtaining; he was commemorated on a United States postal stamp. However, he was assassinated at the age of 40 as he delivered a speech in New York.

Indeed, if you were to become familiar with the history of this man, you will undoubtedly be touched and left in admiration. You will push aside any weakness you may have and, as he did, find strength to strive for the peace and equality our world and humanity so sadly lacks.

His message to us and future generations was clear. Stand firm for what you believe in and demand your rights for no man is superior to another.

His story resonates in the minds and hearts of historians, scholars, Muslims, non Muslims, the young and old. His life is a lesson to all.

He was a man with a profound legacy and he inspired a great number of people to leave a corrupt Nation of Islam belief system and believe in the foundations of the true Islam and the belief in the One True God. He went against the world even when he knew his life was at risk. His faith was unshakable.

This was the message of our dear Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). In turn, it was the message spread by Malcolm and it is the message we should live by every day.

So much has been happening in our world, from Muslim prisoners being force fed in Guantanamo, to outrage and turmoil in the Muslim World, and to our very own Australia getting in on the action with the closing of the doors on people seeking asylum.

Of course, this state of our World needs no introduction. It seems like not much happiness is going on and unfortunately, it seems to get crueller and crueller by the day.

On a 'happier' note though, our pains seemed to have been pushed aside with the birth of the Royal Baby not long ago.

At not even an hour old, that baby made headlines worldwide and still continues to do so.
The level of importance the media and the world allocate to stories such as the royal baby is beyond a joke. While so much tragedy is occurring, it is obvious that this royal blooded baby's life is of greater significance than the blood of those thousands of people who are dying every day from starvation, persecution and torture.

Civilisation as we know it will not go on if tragedies like this continue. Our world is being destroyed before our eyes and our brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in every corner of the globe.
We are reminded over and over again with what is happening but feel that we are too far away to do anything.

Wrong. We are missing the point. It is not just about Syria or Egypt or Burma or Palestine anymore. ‘Doing our part’ is not just about sending some charity and clothes their way. We do not realise that this humiliation is a reflection of our failure as a nation. Allah Subhanaahu wa Ta’aalah said in the holy Qur’an:
 Verily Allah will never change the condition of a people until they change themselves"

We, as Muslims, cannot sit back and presume everything will get better because it won’t.
The  Muslim Nation is like a body. When one part hurts the rest of the body feels it. It does not look like this is happening. We are clearly in a lot of trouble and perhaps these atrocities and the humiliation of Muslims are signs telling us to wake up. So, enough with these ridiculous corruption-filled weddings. Enough with these all-nighter card and shisha sessions. Enough with the hatred, jealousy and resentment towards one another. Is this the way of life Muhammad (peace be upon him) preached? Is this how you think the dignity and honour of Islam will be restored?  

Brothers and sisters, focus on what is important and what should be your priority. Bring Islam back to your homes and back into your lives. Live Islam. Spread Islam. Breathe Islam.