About Me

Yaa Allah

Oh to You Allah belongs the earth and the sky

All praise is due to You; You are the Great. the Most High

With You rest my life and my death

And with You is my fate in this life and the next

So much love and mercy to me You have shown

Erasing all my pain – I am no longer alone

You are there in the night as I call unto You

While my faith and intentions I always renew

I stand before You but ever so ashamed and so weak

It is Your mercy and forgiveness I wholeheartedly seek

Your glorified names my lips repeat

For You belongs my every breath, my every heart beat

My eyes sting and tears flow down my face

As it is Your name I constantly call upon & praise

Prostrating, my heart trembles with pain while Your pleasure is my only concern

To You I cry out ‘Yaa Allah’ and to You I shall return

Oh Lord, to You my life I will dedicate

And to you will I humbly bow down and prostrate

All power and strength do You transcend

And upon Your Prophet praise and blessings I send

With You as my Lord I am content

And it is on You whom I shall solely depend

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